Shopify is Headed to SF for Google Cloud Next '18!

Shopify is Headed to SF for Google Cloud Next '18!

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We’re headed to the Google Cloud Next Conference in San Francisco where two Shopify engineers, Jonathan Pulsifer and Yandu Oppacher, will be participating and presenting talks regarding our move to the cloud. This conference will run from July 24 - 26, 2018 and include keynote speakers, breakout sessions, fireside chats and more.

Jonathan Pulsifer - Secure the Software Supply Chain with Binary Authorization . 

Containers have revolutionized how we develop, package, and deploy applications. As enterprises create more containerized workloads, the security of the software supply chain must be top of mind. Join this session for a deep dive into Binary Authorization, a new GCP service that enables security teams to enforce deploy time policies and prevent privilege escalation via code deployment. We’ll also hear from the security team at Shopify to learn how they use Binary Authorization and other GCP tools as part of their container security strategy and best practices.

 Tuesday, July 24 (3:15 pm)  

Yandu Oppacher - Moving Shopify's Data Platform to Google Cloud

Learn how we took our on-premises data platform to Google Cloud. Our cluster runs 45k+ jobs and 80k+ queries per day to power our BI and analytic workloads. We will talk about our migration strategy, what we had to build, and how we leveraged Google's infrastructure to lift and shift our data platform.
Wednesday, July 25 (3:15 pm)


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