We're Off to Paris for the Paris.rb Conference!

We're Off to Paris for the Paris.rb Conference!

2 minute read

Bonjour! We’re off to Paris for the Paris.rb conference taking place from June 28 - 29, 2018. Paris.rb conf is designed to bring together Ruby enthusiasts from all over the world, to learn what’s new in Ruby and connect with each other. Our developers, Rafael França and Jenna Blumenthal, will be presenting the talks below:

Living on Rails edge - Rafael França

In this talk we take a look at why keeping your application up-to-date is important and the different strategies to upgrade Rails application to the newest version using a huge monolithic Rails application as an example. We will learn what were the biggest challenges and how they could be avoided.


Friday, June 29 2018 - 9:30am

Event Sourcing for Everyone - Jenna Blumenthal

In applications that persist data, getting the current state of the system is trivial. But often the question is not only where are we now, but how did we get here? Event sourcing is a pattern that stores changes to state as a sequence of events. The events encapsulate all the information needed for a record to change from one state to another, and the current state can be completely destroyed and rebuilt by replaying these events.

Sounds great, right? But how do we take a system that is not designed using event sourcing, and start to apply some of these patterns? I’ll give an overview of the architecture’s key components and share some examples of how to adopt event sourcing into an existing application.


Friday, June 29 2018 - 10:10pm

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