ActiveMerchant version 1.9 released
A little bit of background history
As some of you may know, quite a while ago Shopify extracted all of its payment gateway related code into the open source project ActiveMerchant. Since then the project has evolved into one of the most successful Ruby libraries with over 400 “forks” (meaning that other developers customized the code to their needs and added functionality as required).
Whenever developers think their changes are a contribution to the official project (e.g. by adding support for a new payment gateway) they send out a so called “pull request” and after we review the implementation we usually merge their changes into ActiveMerchant for everyone to use, meaning all Shopify customers and every programmer using the ActiveMerchant library in their code base will benefit from the new updates.
Exciting news
We have been digging around a lot lately for interesting changes to the project and decided to pull some of the bigger ones into the official repository. This resulted in the release of version 1.8.0 last month adding two new gateways.
Since then we found even more interesting contributions that we decided to merge into the official project and we also developed two offsite integrations internally. The result is that ActiveMerchant (and thus Shopify) now supports seven additional payment gateways for merchants from various countries around the world:
- DirecPay – supports India
- Paybox – supports France
- Inspire Commerce – supports US
- SecureNet – supports US
- Netaxept – supports Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland (added in 1.8.0)
- Iridium – supports Great Britain and Spain (added in 1.8.0)
The seventh new gateway is SagePay Form, an offsite alternative to our existing SagePay implementation, in order to give merchants in the United Kingdom and Ireland the option of using 3D Secure for transactions. 3D Secure is required for certain U.K. credit card brands.
Open Source is awesome-sauce
That brings the number of supported gateways in ActiveMerchant to an impressive total of 63. This would have not been possible without the help of an international community so huge thanks go out to all the contributors that helped ActiveMerchant spread around the world!
If you are aware of any gateway implementations that should make it into the official ActiveMerchant gem let us know and we’ll be happy to review them.