Session Hijacking Protection
There’s been a lot of talk in the past few weeks about “Firesheep”, a new program that lets users hijack other users’ accounts on many different websites. But there’s no need to worry about your Shopify account — we’ve taken steps to ensure your account can’t be hijacked and your data is safe.
Firesheep is a Firefox plugin (a program that integrates right into the Firefox browser) that makes it easy to perform HTTP session cookie hijacks when using an insecure connection on an untrusted network. This kind of attack is nothing new, but Firesheep makes it dead simple and shows how prevalent it is.
The attack consists of stealing cookie data over an untrusted network and using that data to log in to other people’s user accounts. Many websites that you use daily, including Shopify, are susceptible to this kind of attack.
Naturally we reacted to this by taking measures to ensure that this can’t happen to our users. All of your Shopify admin data is now fully secure, encrypted, and protected from Firesheep attacks.
Technical Details
The only way to ensure that cookie data, or any data sent over HTTP for that matter, is not been spied upon is end-to-end encryption. Currently the solution for this is SSL.
Last week we made the switch to all SSL in the Shopify admin area. This has been applied to all URLs and all subscription plans. This means that any request made to Shopify will be forced to use SSL for secure encryption.
But this is not quite enough to ensure that cookie data is not hijacked. By default HTTP cookies are sent over secured, as well as unsecured, connections. Without taking the extra step to secure the HTTP cookie as well, your session is still vulnerable.
The Problem
In Shopify’s case we weren’t able to use SSL for all traffic on the site. There are two main areas to Shopify, the shop frontend and the shop backend. In the backend is where a shop’s employees manage product data, fulfill orders, etc. In the frontend is where products are viewed, carts are filled, and checkout happens. All traffic in the backend happens under one domain, *.myshopify.com, with individual accounts having unique subdomains. One wildcard SSL cert allows us to protect the entire backend.
We can’t apply the same strategy to the shop frontends because we allow our merchants to use custom domains for their shops. So there are literally thousands of different domain names pointing at the Shopify servers, each of which would require an SSL cert. An unsecure frontend is not too worrisome since there is no sensitive data being passed around, just information about what’s stored in the cart.
However, this meant that we would need two different session cookies, one for use in the backend to be sent on encrypted connections only, and one for use in the frontend to be sent unencrypted.
Using two different session stores based on routes isn’t something that Ruby on Rails supports out of the box. You set one session store for your application that gets inserted into the middleware chain and handles sessions for your application.
The Solution
So we came up with a
MultiSessionStorethat delegates to multiple session stores based on the
PATH_INFOShopify still has only one session store handling all of its sessions, but if the request comes in under the
/adminpath we’ll use the secure cookie, and if it comes in under another path we’ll use the unsecured cookie.
Here is our implementation in its entirety: https://gist.github.com/704099
This last step, the secured cookie, ensures that session cookie data is never available for hijacking.